Can I make a query using Operator.INLIST with an int[] array?

0 votes
This is the code:
int[] queryIds=new int[3];
Query myQuery  ="idint", queryIds , Operator.INLIST);
Storage storage=storageService.findDocumentsByQueryWithPaging(dbName, tableName, myQuery, entriesToGet, 0);
I'm getting the following exception: {"app42Fault":{"httpErrorCode":404,"appErrorCode":2608,"message":"Not Found","details":"No document in the collection '_pvpplayers0' exists for given query"}}
However there are documents in collection with "idint" that i query.
asked Mar 13, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by chetruscavladislav (10 points)
edited Mar 14, 2015 by chetruscavladislav
Could you please share your sample JSON with us? It will help us to provide better support to you.
Himasnhu Sharma
You mean the json document from collection? Here it is:

  "avgspd": 66,
  "idint": 1001,
  "did": 1,
  "league": 1,
  "avatar": 16,
  "bwid": "weapon_bombs",
  "country": "KN",
  "id": "D0zOwRFWQjyZA7XbloPvTw",
  "fwid": "weapon_machinegun",
  "level": 0,
  "items": [
      "e": [
          "name": "e_speed",
          "pts": 3
      "level": 0,
      "name": "upgrade_speed",
      "rarity": 0,
      "type": "upgrade"
      "e": [
          "name": "e_health",
          "pts": 15
      "level": 0,
      "name": "upgrade_health",
      "rarity": 0,
      "type": "upgrade"
      "e": [
          "name": "e_shield",
          "pts": 15
      "level": 0,
      "name": "upgrade_shield",
      "rarity": 0,
      "type": "upgrade"
      "e": [
          "name": "e_ram_dmg",
          "pts": 15
      "level": 0,
      "name": "upgrade_ram",
      "rarity": 0,
      "type": "upgrade"
      "e": [
          "name": "e_nitro",
          "pts": 200
      "level": 0,
      "name": "upgrade_nitro",
      "rarity": 0,
      "type": "upgrade"
      "e": [
          "name": "e_dmg_bombs",
          "pts": 15
      "level": 0,
      "name": "upgrade_bombs",
      "rarity": 0,
      "type": "upgrade"
      "e": [
          "name": "e_dmg_machinegun",
          "pts": 15
      "level": 0,
      "name": "upgrade_machinegun",
      "rarity": 0,
      "type": "upgrade"
  "bwur": 0.003,
  "isfake": 1,
  "name": "_Seppi",
  "rating": 32,
  "tid": 0,
  "carid": "car_space",
  "fwur": 0.047

1 Answer

0 votes


Its look like there is a issue from our side, we are looking on to it & will provide a patch . We will update this thread, once the patch will available.

Thanks for your patience.

answered Mar 14, 2015 by SACHIN25 (190 points)
Is there an update on my issue?

Thanks for having patience .
This bug fix will hit the production by Thursday of current week.

Hi ,

Thanks for having patience .
Your issue has been resolved and hit the production. Please check and let us know if it helps.

Yes, it works, thank you.
How do we do NOT INLIST operation?
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