How do I setup an email in the App42 email service?

+1 vote

I am trying to setup the email service for password resetting and I couldn't really find any documentation about how the steps to do this (do I need to do this at all or can I just call userService.RestPassword() without setting up an email?). I have an email account that I would like to use for sending the recovery emails and it is an domain. I have setup the email service in the management console like this (which I got from and I have tried port 465 as well as I ready some places saying that is the SSL port:


Port: 587

Email ID:

Mail Password: myPassword

SSL: Yes

I then went to compose an email and send it and it said that the email was sent successfully but I have not received the test email and it has been a while now. Are there any other steps necessary? Also, how do I go about setting up a template for password recovery?

I have now also tried setting up a gmail account and I am still not receiving emails:


Port: 465

Email ID:

Mail Pasword: myPassword

SSL: Yes
asked Jan 25, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by feraask (45 points)
edited Jan 25, 2015 by feraask

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Feraask,

Please make sure you have entered the correct password to configure your email id and also check your spam folder as well? If you are still not getting any email then please share your app name with us.

Himanshu Sharma

answered Jan 26, 2015 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
I have checked my spam folder and double checked that the password and email id is correct and it is still not working. I am trying this with an app named FeraasAppWarpTest.
Hello Feraask,

We just checked your app settings & found you have configured the wrong port for your email id. Please change 465 to 587 & check if it is working fine.

Himanshu Sharma
I have already tried port 587 as I mentioned in my original post but I went ahead and tried it again and it is still not working.
Is there any more help you can offer? I really would like to implement password resetting/recovery into my application.
Hello Feraask,

Apologies for the delay in response.

For outlook email, we are looking into it. For Gmail, its working fine from our end. Also we have set-up a test email with us, let us know if you want to configure it in your app for test purpose. We will do it form backend temporarily in your app.

Himanshu Sharma
Okay I have noticed that my gmail account is giving me security warnings every time I try to send an email from the managment console saying that a sign in attempt was prevented. I have enabled access for less secure apps on my account and marked the activity as valid but it is still not working. Is there some setting I have to change in my gmail account to allow the sign in?
Alright I was able to get gmail to work by following the directions here:

But can you please look into gettting working and let me know when there is a fix, I would prefer to use that email address. Thanks!
Hello feraask,

We are looking into it, once it will live we update this thread. Thanks for your patience.

Himanshu Sharma
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