Using Corona: I have been struggling with this for over a day now. I have a json file in a collection in a database. I can get my document using its Id.
storageService:findAllDocuments(dbName, collectionName, App42CallBack)
function App42CallBack:onSuccess(object)
for i=1, table.getn(object:getJsonDocList()) do
local doc = object:getJsonDocList()[i]:getDocId()
Great. I have my document. Now in my document's JSON file, there are values such as "level" = 4. How do I get 4? I need a detailed answer. I read about queries and such, but that only gets me the document all over again. I need the data inside the json file. In my debugger I see: Success is: My document information including my json data I have no idea how to get the data. Thanks.