We are trying to do a search using LIKE operator, but it only searches the string at the start and not anywhere in between. Below is the query:
Query query = QueryBuilder.build(Constants.MOVIE_TITLE, searchString, Operator.LIKE);
Following are the logs printed using App42Log.setDebug(true):
Request :: {"maxRecords":100,"searchString":"Potter","requestCode":"33","offset":0}
Setting value :jsonQuery : [{"value":"Potter","operator":"$lk","key":"title"}]
QueryString is ?jsonQuery=%5B%7B%22value%22%3A%22Potter%22%2C%22operator%22%3A%22%24lk%22%2C%22key%22%3A%22title%22%7D%5D&
Setting Header value : signature : yZNwCzsH0ELXRvTg%2Frc41nE0EEY%3D
Setting Header value : version : 1.0
Setting Header value : SDKName : Java
Setting Header value : timeStamp : 2016-03-08T20:28:18.205Z
Setting Header value : apiKey : bdd80d43a10e63f9977032785de20f0f6cb7087e487e56e0c2d8f7ae086cbced
App42Exception : {"app42Fault":{"httpErrorCode":404,"appErrorCode":2608,"message":"Not Found","details":"No document in the collection 'MOVIES' exists for given query"}}
For Eg. if movie title is "Harry Potter", we get the results when searching with "Harry" but not with "Potter". Please let us know if anything is incorrect. It doesn't work on App42 HQ Management dashboard as well. We tried "%Potter%" as well, it doesn't work either.
Also, is there a way to do case-insensitive search?