Facebook Connecting but giving "Error Occurred : While Communicating With App42."

0 votes
Hey all, thank you for helping. I really like this service so far and I can't wait to get everything working! I am having a strange issue right now. I searched the forum for a similar post and found one but it was never answered so I am going to ask it again.

While doing Facebook OAuth, I hit "Connect to facebook" and it brings me to the "Error Occurred : While Communicating With App42" display message. However, when I go back to my app it is all working properly and I am connected to facebook. Everything seems to be set-up properly - I have the app enabled on facebook, my email is submitted, etc etc. I can even see the leaderboard and my profile picture from facebook.

I feel like I might have deleted something accidentally? There was a time it was working but then it stopped and I haven't been able to get it to work for over a week now.

I will note that I am getting this error also, unsure if its related:

Please move 'D:/@KSH@Y/UNITY3D-PROJECTS/1UNITYSAMPLES/UnityFBLeaderBoard/FB_GLOBAL_LEADERBOARD/Assets/WSATestCertificate.pfx' certificate inside a project.

Thanks for any help you can provide!
asked Nov 5, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by worpex (10 points)
edited Nov 5, 2015 by worpex

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Worpex,

Could you please share your sample project with us support@shephertz.com. It will help us to find the root cause of this issue.


Himanshu Sharma
answered Nov 5, 2015 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
Thank you I have sent the project files
Hello Worpex,

Thanks for sharing your project with us. It seems like your certificate file got corrupted, due to this your project settings changed. In order to solve this, you can download the fresh copy of sample project or clear your temp files as well project settings as described by Unity(http://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/building-after-deleting-the-wsa-test-certificate-throws-copying-file-failed). if you want to download the fresh copy of sample project than please click on this link(https://github.com/SamitaMShephertz/Facebook-OAuth-For-Unity) and let me know if you need any help from my side.

Himanshu Sharma
Thank you, that didn't actually fix the main issue but it did clear up the error message that I wasn't sure if it was related or not. Sadly, I still get the "Error Occurred : While Communicating With App42." message when connecting to facebook despite connecting properly.

I have tried both solutions. Downloading a fresh copy of the sample project and clearing my temp files.
Anything else I can try to resolve my issue?
Hello Worpex,

Let me create one sample project on the same for you, so that it will help you to build on your system as well.

P.S It will take 3-4 days, due to other scheduled task, will update you on ASAP.

Himanshu Sharma
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