Hello Shephertz,
I am trying to implement facebook login in my app, since I am only testing things for now, I run everything in the editor. However upon calling LinkUserFacebookAccount I get:
Exception : com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.App42SecurityException: {"httpErrorCode":"401", "appErrorCode":"1401", "message":"UnAuthorized Access", "details":"Client is not authorized"}
I already checked and double check my app id, so im thinking this is because of device time settings, Is there any way I can set it in unity3d for the editor? Or is this happening because of a totally different issue?
update: After further investigation this is happening also with authenticate and signup methods of App42, so I dont think this is a facebook issue
update2: After disabling replay attack protect, the error still persists, so it is not caused by device time
update3: reseting appkey and secret does not solve the problem