Error Occurred : While Communicating With App42 but Successfully login to Facebook

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Hi All,

I have updated to App42-Unity3D-SDK-4.0.1.dll for Facebook login. When login to Facebook, I encounter the error "Error Occurred : While Communicating With App42" but successfully login to Facebook and able to view LeaderBoard. My app is live and available for general public.

asked Jun 24, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by mail (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Could you please enable your app logs and share with us? It will help us to see the root cause of this issue and provide better support from our side. To enable the internal logs of your app, put the below line of code just after the initialization of App42 API:



Himanshu Sharma
answered Jun 24, 2015 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
Thanks for sharing the logs with us. The error which you have shared is mainly occurred when you attempt doFBOAuth from social service. Can you restrict your max attempt from 30 to minimum and see if you are getting this issue again:


Himanshu Sharma
There is no such "SocialService.MAX_ACCESSTOKEN_ATTEMPT" variable in the code.
I have added "SocialService.MAX_ACCESSTOKEN_ATTEMPT = 2;" into the code but still getting the same error message. Please help.
I am using the code from this URL:
and updated the library to App42-Unity3D-SDK-4.0.1
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