Hello, I'm using this functin to save some of my data
storageService.SaveOrUpdateDocumentByKeyValue(GameVars.dataDB, GameVars.collectionName, OnAuthenticate.username, "Coins", jsonDoc, new OnCoinsSaved());
It works, but dont Update existing data, its allways create a new entry... Why it wont update it?
And another, main question is why I cant load this data? I'm trying this:
storageService.FindDocumentByKeyValue(GameVars.dataDB, GameVars.collectionName, OnAuthenticate.username, "Coins", new OnCoinsLoad());
And getting error
Exception : com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.App42NotFoundException: {"httpErrorCode":"404", "appErrorCode":"2601", "message":"Not Found", "details":"Document by key 'www' and value 'Coins' does not exist."}