Hi Himanshu,
Thank you for the help. For my #3 question I am not sure I understand your recommendation. For the examples that are given for REST storage service the following URLs are used:
Insert JSON Document:
URL : https://api.shephertz.com/cloud/1.0/storage/insert/dbName/{dbName}/collectionName/{collectionName}
Find document by key/value:
URL : https://api.shephertz.com/cloud/1.0/storage/findDocByKV/dbName/{dbName}/collectionName/{collectionName}/{key}/{value}
For the corresponding Javascript calls the method names are:
Insert JSON Document: insertJSONDocument
Find document by key/value: findDocumentByKeyValue
See that REST uses "insert" in the URL while the javascript call is "insertJSONDocument". And for Find document by key value REST uses "findDocByKV" while the javascript call is "findDocumentByKeyValue"
There is not consistency belween the method calls used in the REST URLs vs the javascript API. Without documentation how am I supposed to know what the correct string is to use in the REST URL for each method?