Follow up questions

0 votes

Thanks Himanshu, these answers are helpful. I have continued to look at App42 and have some additonal/follow up questions.

1. Do you know when the Google+ integration is supposed to make it in to the platform?
2. For one of my collections I need to have an Icon image associated with each document in the collection. For example if I have a document of {"topic_id":20, "Name":"Basketball"} I would like to have a basketball icon associated with this. In the file storage I don't see any ID column to embed within the document. Would the best solution here be to embed the URL for the file in the document?
3. I am having a hard time discovering the necessary product documentation. I need to look at the REST APIs for your services. If I look at this high level storage service page there are REST API examples. But if I look at the full API page for the storage service at there are no REST API examples. Where can I find the full REST API documentaiton for all services?
4. Do any of the current services support iOS or Android In App Purchases?
5. I'm confused as to how the API calls are counted. In my data storage I did a JSON file import in to a collection. The import was successful and created 6 documents in the collection. But when I look at the App Dashboard I see 45 API hits. How is this possible?
Thanks again for your help.
related to an answer for: Some new user questions
asked May 26, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by gjmcshea (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


Kindly find my answer in line:

1.      Do you know when the Google+ integration is supposed to make it in to the platform?
Ans:This is directly not supported however you can make a custom code for authentication as discussed here . 

2. For one of my collections I need to have an Icon image associated with each document in the collection. For example if I have a document of {"topic_id":20, "Name":"Basketball"} I would like to have a basketball icon associated with this. In the file storage I don't see any ID column to embed within the document. Would the best solution here be to embed the URL for the file in the document?
 Ans: You can easily attach the image with every document in the collection. Dor this you just need to call addAttachmentToDocs function. 

3. I am having a hard time discovering the necessary product documentation. I need to look at the REST APIs for your services. If I look at this high level storage service page there are REST API examples. But if I look at the full API page for the storage service at there are no REST API examples. Where can I find the full REST API documentaiton for all services?

Ans: All App42 Services run on REST API itself. Making call over REST requires signature of the data and timestamp value to be part of the request. You have to generate signature of the data using your secretKey and send it along with request. 
Requesting you to have a look at our JS or PHP SDK to know about HTTP end point URL and data signing mechanism.
4. Do any of the current services support iOS or Android In App Purchases?
Ans: No we don’t have any service related to IAP however validation of purchase can be done using custom code. See this discussion for details .  

5. I'm confused as to how the API calls are counted. In my data storage I did a JSON file import in to a collection. The import was successful and created 6 documents in the collection. But when I look at the App Dashboard I see 45 API hits. How is this possible?

Ans: On every function call, you will charge one API call e.g If you save the JSON document using InsertJSONDocuement method, you will be charge one API call. You can verify the no of operation from dashboard itself by clicking Metering Section under App Manager of AppHQ Management Console. 

Please check and let us know if it helps. 


Himanshu Sharma

answered May 27, 2015 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
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