Hi, I have just registered for the trial of App42 and am evaluating the platform after coming from another mBaaS provider. I have been playing around a bit and havae some questions:
1. In the data services console when I click to import and specify a JSON file it always does a file import. Is there any way to import a set of JSON documents in to an exsting collection? I have the exported data from the collections at my previous mBaaS and would like to import it?
2. For my app I will need to have custom code to perform some business logic on stored data. All the examples I see of custom code are in java. Are any other languages supported (like javascript) since I know very little java?
3. For the users service are any other social logins supported other than facebook? How about Twitter or Google+?
4. Is there any way to establish relationships across collections in your data service? In my prior mBaaS they were using mongoDB for data storage but you were still able to have "pointers" referencing across collections.