Push notifications or game channel messages from server side code?

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Can I make push notifications or game channel messages from server side code?
I need to make massages on some custom api calls to players and delayed massages(finish message with results in 60 seconds after game start).
To make it clear.
Users are pushing ready button, when all of the users are ready I need to send them(to the game channel) a "start" message and a "finish" message in 60 seconds.
And I'd like to make some calculations and send some massages while the game is running.
Is it possible?
asked Mar 12, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by Alex Shapkin (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Alex,

Yes, you can call any API from Custom code including sendPushtoUser. This will trigger the Push notification to your app users from custom code instead of from app/client.

Please have a look here at our Custom Code tutorial and let us know if it helps.

P.S Sending push to users are not real time and are on best effort delivery. If you wan to use real time messaging, would be great to use AppWarp in that case.


Himanshu Sharma

answered Mar 13, 2015 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
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