I have a collection that is supposed to have geo properties. I have only one record in it now but the location property is not set. I tried to run a geoquery against it.
Setting value :jsonQuery : [{"lng":-74.00497299999999,"maxDistance":20,"lat":40.715353,"operator":"$near"}]
QueryString is ?jsonQuery=%5B%7B%22lng%22%3A-74.00497299999999%2C%22maxDistance%22%3A20%2C%22lat%22%3A40.715353%2C%22operator%22%3A%22%24near%22%7D%5D&
Requested URL is https://api.shephertz.com/cloud/1.0/storage/findDocsBylocation/dbName/ZC1/collectionName/Accident?jsonQuery=%5B%7B%22lng%22%3A-74.00497299999999%2C%22maxDistance%22%3A20%2C%22lat%22%3A40.715353%2C%22operator%22%3A%22%24near%22%7D%5D&
Setting Header value : signature : 7EB8mhGS%2Bgkjz1hmmIdbhgRv%2F%2Fc%3D
Setting Header value : version : 1.0
Setting Header value : SDKName : Java
Setting Header value : timeStamp : 2015-02-28T17:05:46.589Z
Setting Header value : apiKey : xxxxxxxxxx654b426686ecabb6ec09206fc18d6d05b22880919c44
com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.java.App42Exception: {"app42Fault":{"httpErrorCode":500,"appErrorCode":1500,"message":"Internal Server Error","details":"Internal Server Error. Please try again"}}
Is this because there is no document with a location property set or because the only document did not have the location property set well? If the property is not set, does that mean the query should fail?