I am using App42 API to save User Score on Server.
I uploaded the custom score on the server using code...
NSString *userName = @"Name";
double gameScore = 100;
NSString *collectionName = @"Colection Name";
NSDictionary *otherScoreInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:playerId,@"id",playerlevel,@"playerLevel"nil];
[App42API setDbName:@"DBName"];
ScoreBoardService *scoreboardService = [App42API buildScoreBoardService];
@try {
[scoreboardService addCustomScore:otherScoreInfo collectionName:collectionName];
@catch (NSException *exception) {
NSLog(@"AddCustom Score");
@try {
Game *game = [scoreboardService saveUserScore:@"Game name" gameUserName:userName gameScore:gameScore];
NSLog(@"Game : %@",game);
Can somebody help me with the code sample to update the json attached to score.
I am able to update the score but not the json associated with it.All i want is to update the Json file attached to score and not to create a new json.