Push notification does not work in Unity3d Android Package

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Push notification does not work in Unity3d Android Package sample

and the user with device does not get registered , i think there is a bug in the code ,  please anyhelp ?
asked Jan 23, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by shadi_kfouf (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Shadi,

Please make sure you have followed all the steps mentioned in this tutorial to integrate push notification in your Android app. Also this tutorial have a sample project for your reference. 
Please have a look into it & let us know if it helps.
HImanshu Sharma
answered Jan 24, 2015 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
Thank you HImanshu for reply

i followed every single step in the tutorial , but it does not work , the device did not get registered
Hello Shadi,

Are you getting any exception in your project console while integrating the sample project? If yes, then please share the exception details with us else share your sample project with us at support@shephertz.com.

Himanshu Sharma
nothing in the project console , just in the app when i try to send a notification , it tells me : this device does not registered
Apologies for getting late. Could you please share internal logs of this method? It will help us to provide better support to you. To print the method logs, use the below line of code before making a call to App42:

Also, if possible then do share your sample project with us to resolve it on ASAP.

Himanshu Sharma
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