Unity Turn Based Multiplayer

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I am making a turn based multiplayer game for Andoid and iOS devices using Unity. After reading the examples and looking at the forum here I have a couple of questions to make sure I go in the right direction. I plan on using Facebook integration to allow players to challenge each other via push notifications. I have read that it is not 100% that a user will receive the notification that it will be best effort. So I was thinking since you save game data using JSON files should I also save a document for users that are challenged so when they launch the game and look at current games I could query for JSON files for that player? I guess I am not sure what I should do in order to ensure that players get all open games and challenges. Also, with JSON files can you serialize hashtables and save the data in a JSON file? Thanks in advance.


asked Nov 30, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by gquick1975 (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Gerald,

Your thoghts are correct. If you want to persist the challenges and messages of user, you can save them in the Storage Service in JSON format. Here are the two useful links to get started with Storage Service and understanding its functionality.

You can make flag of read document as key in the JSON and can update it once user has read it. See this link for updating JSON docs.

Let me know if it makes sense.



answered Dec 1, 2014 by ajay123 (899 points)
I hope your query has been resolved, kindly let us know if you have more question for us.
Himanshu Sharma
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