[Flex] Push Notification durin application startup slow

0 votes


I've successfully run this app. But when I re-open the app, the app very slow to load during start-up.

I'm using Air 15.0.

Pls advise.

asked Nov 27, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by Juliana Jasman (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Juliana,

Flex Mobile applications are little bit Heavy it first loads its player and then app is loaded inside it. Player loading itself takes time that is why you can see the pause at the start up. 

Let us know if you have more question for us.

Himanshu Sharma

answered Nov 27, 2014 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
the other apps I'm using Flex too but not slow like this app. So weird.
This is just a sample app (Not meant for production) in which on open of the app call goes to App42 server to check if device is registered or not. However you can optimize it in your production app using local storage to avoid that call. You can store register flag in local storage and call to App42 if required.

Himanshu Sharma
I hope, i have cleared your query in my above comment. If you still having any issue then let us know or if you need any other help regarding this.
I have configured it out.
The .ane file causing the output .apk file in bigger size.
How to make it smaller?
Hey Juliana, As I checked the sample application size is almost 1.48 MB and the size of .ane is 31 KB.So there should not be an issue of .ane size.
After unzipping you can find flash components are added that makes application a little bit heavy.
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