Storing Geo/time data for every user and linking it with the userservice product

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I have a question about the strategy of using Geo product along with the user base.

Basically, I want to be storing the following info each user

User ID( Or a reference I can use to pull other user data such as avatar, profile..etc)

Geo info



How can I achieve this or whats the best way around it? At the end of the day, I want to say "give me the list of users whose geo are 5km within a certain Geo for the past 5 min".


Any ideas how to achive the above behaviour.


Your answer is highly appreciated

asked Nov 19, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by AndroidFolk (107 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Hello AndroidFolk,

For associating the user with Geo service, you need to create a collection of UserGroup in Storage service where you can insert the GeoPoints of user and his additional information. And fetch the json document back into app based on his location saved in storage service. 

Please have a look on the below links and let us know if it helps:

1. Save Geo points in Storage

2. Fetch document based on his location using Geo query


Himanshu Sharma


answered Nov 19, 2014 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
selected Nov 25, 2014 by AndroidFolk
Thank you for your answer. So in that case I can't make use of the geo-spatial product that you have.. Correct? How would be speed/response time if I have 10s of the thousands of records Thank you
Any Answer on this ?:)
Storage Service as explained above internally uses geo storage service. When you will use it with storage service, you can save location and additional info together in the same JSON. If you want you can use Geo Service separately however this will only save name and location info in it.  
We have apps which has millions of records and there query is being executed in few milliseconds, so you don't need to worry about it.
Let me know if it answers your question.
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