Is the server demo complete

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Hi, many thanks for the updated method.


I would like to adapt the Quiz Demo version of the java server code into my app server code. Since I highlighted the above problem where you issued an updated method for the fix I have a concern about the demo completeness. Are there any other pieces of the the demo code that are missing, incomplete or to your knowledge will require any other fixes up updates? I ask this as Java is not a language that I'm falimiar with and if so then it's gonna take some time for me to find it. If you know of anything then please give me a heads up!


Many thanks
asked Sep 27, 2014 in AppWarpS2 by wiredvoltage (84 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

It is complete demo, There is no known issues right now.We will help you if any issues come regarding AppWarp.
answered Sep 27, 2014 by errahulpanchal (169 points)
selected Sep 28, 2014 by wiredvoltage
Just to be clear the server code in the demo is the same as the server code that is needed when downloading online? EG there has been no updates to the server code since developing the demo code or demo code was also updated!
There is no update in server code,you can go with same code.We will update it if any issue reported.
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