1. I create a database entry with:
String JSONstr = "{\"emailId\":\""+email+"\",\"expirationdate\":\""+expDateString+"\"}";
storageService.InsertJSONDocument(dbName, collectionName, JSONstr, new App42CallBack());
2. Then later say I want to update ONLY the expirationdate using 'SaveOrUpdateDocumentByKeyValue()' or 'UpdateDocumentByKeyValue()'...
3. Do I have to supply the complete JSONstr that was used to create this entry again as:
String JSONstr = "{\"emailId\":\""+email+"\",\"expirationdate\":\""+newExpDateString+"\"}";
4. Or can I use a shorter string with just the expirationdate key/value I want to change as:
String JSONstr = "{\"expirationdate\":\""+newExpDateString+"\"}";
5. If I use the shorter version will that overwrite (effectively deleting) the emailId key/value ?
p.s. I think I tried it with the short version and the emailId key/value WAS LOST.