send message to client from server

0 votes

I am making a card game and I want to make cutomized turns. so I am not using turn based room. Now I want to send message to one of clients from server to change turn. How can I achieve that?  this message will change turn and also send info about last move to all clients.

and also I want to make timer on server that every 60 seconds above message should be sent to clients.

how can I achieve that on server side?

Thanks in advance.
asked Aug 7, 2014 in AppWarpS2 by patel.sagar2611 (34 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

To send message to one of the clients from server, you can use IUser.sendChat() API.

To send info about the last move to all the clients, you can use IRoom.broadcast() API.

About the timer, it is already available on server side ie onTimerTick() is called on each Adaptor after the specified interval of time which you have set. You can set the time interval in AppConfig.json by putting the 'TickTime' value in milliseconds (in your case it would be 60000)
answered Aug 8, 2014 by NaveenGShephertz (244 points)
selected Aug 8, 2014 by patel.sagar2611
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