While sending message on Roman alphabet messages delivered ok.
If I change alphabet to other (in my case Cyrillic alphabet) I get 1401 error, why ?
HashMap<String, String> otherMetaHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
otherMetaHeaders.put("dataEncoding", "true");
pushnotificationService.setOtherMetaHeaders(otherMetaHeaders) ;
{"app42Fault":{"httpErrorCode":401,"appErrorCode":1401,"message":"UnAuthorized Access","details":"Client is not authorized"}}
I have tested api on Java language. Under eclipse Cyrillic alphabet works ok but executed jar file fails with above reason.
I have captured network traffic in case of success push (from eclipse) and fail push (from runnable jar).The difference I have noticed that in success case on of connection is SSL,and in fail case the same connection is TLS. I have attached document with captured traffic - the differnce is in fourth line in success request compare to fail..