onConnectDone result

0 votes

Hi! Where can I find the complete list of the onConnectDone result enum?

I've found the following list but the result I've got is "9", so I think it's not up-to-date

byte SUCCESS = 0;

byte AUTH_ERROR = 1;



byte BAD_REQUEST = 4;



asked Jun 3, 2014 in AppWarp by service (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What SDK are you using?
answered Jun 3, 2014 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
AppWarp 1.7 Unity3d
Sorry for not pointing that out
Sorry, the website has not been updated. We will update it as soon as possible. Here are the all result codes.

public static class WarpResponseResultCode
        public const byte SUCCESS = 0;
        public const byte AUTH_ERROR = 1;
        public const byte RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND = 2;
        public const byte RESOURCE_MOVED = 3;
        public const byte BAD_REQUEST = 4;
        public const byte UNKNOWN_ERROR = 5;
        public const byte CONNECTION_ERR = 6;
        public const byte RESULT_SIZE_ERROR = 7;
        public const byte SUCCESS_RECOVERED = 8;
        public const byte CONNECTION_ERROR_RECOVERABLE = 9;

Result code 9 means that there is a connection error but since you have set the recovery allowance you can recover your lost connection by invoking recoverConnection() method.
Thanks, I'll do that right now!
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