Setup custom email for sending reset Password info

0 votes



I'm trying to setup email for my app on dashboard to send reset password info with my preference, but got problem.

Follow this post as a reference, but get no success

What was done


google setting - official settings, see attached png


POP access settings and instructions for Yahoo Mail | Yahoo Help ... - official settings, see attached png


When I try to send email - I got message mail sent successfully, but I don't receive any email

After reading post found similar problem described here - exactly same case as I have. On linked post there is no solution for problem and post to old to continue there.

Also, I got from google warning about unsecured connection, but even if I turn security to lowest level - it's not work (for yahoo service, I even not receive anything). 

my account -


Another problem - when I try to save template - I got notification: "saved", but when I return back in few min it's gone....


Thanks in advance

asked Mar 16, 2017 in App42 DevOps by translatorDevelopmen (17 points)
edited Mar 16, 2017 by translatorDevelopmen

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer


Apologies for getting late back to you.

Our production team is looking into it, will update you very soon.



Himanshu Sharma
answered Mar 20, 2017 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
selected Mar 31, 2017 by translatorDevelopmen
add yahoo account to app

also if u perform success testing on your side u already should be able to allow google to use account? Am i right? If yes - please advice how to do so

Finally i found what should be done:

"Allow less secure apps" - put it to ON
as described here -

2) go to email account->settings->Forwarding and POP/IMAP-> IMAP Access:->change "Status: IMAP is enabled" and "Status: POP is enabled for all mail"

That would work and allow anyone including app42 service access to email

@Himanshu Sharma -  thanks, and i guess u should add this to your instruction how to setup google account, as u see, I spend few weeks while the reason was found...

you can close discussion, for now resolved
Please use this link to allow apps to send email Once it is done then check again by resetting your password and let me know if you are able to receive the emails.

Himanshu Sharma
Sure will work with your feedback. Let me know if any other help required from our end.
Himanshu Sharma
thanks, and have a good day :)
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