how to send the schedule pushNotification using javascript sdk

0 votes

i have to send the schedule push Notification using javascript sdk in android device. i was used the down below api

Schedule Message To User

  1. var message = "Message which you have to send",  
  2. scheduleDate = null

date is string to send the scheduleDate but i was getting an error : "Uncaught TypeError: e.getUTCMonth is not a function", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/libs/App42-all-3.1.min.js (3). which date formate will i sent for scheduleDate.!

asked Feb 24, 2017 in Android by Extranetaccess (11 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi Extraneaccess,


You can use Date object of Javascript to send date while calling the schedule push notification API. for example:

var scheduleDate=new Date() ;

scheduleDate.setDate(scheduleDate.getDate() + 2);


Let me know if you need any other help or if you face any issue. 


Himanshu Sharma


answered Feb 27, 2017 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
After converting date is "1488364440000". now I try to send the push notification,
I have getting an error : "Uncaught TypeError: e.getUTCMonth is not a function"
Have you set the Month,Date,FullYear,Hours Minutes,Seconds,Milliseconds? Please set and let me know if you face any issue.

Himanshu Sharma
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