Xamarin - Apple Rejects App Because of Missing IPv6 Support

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Hello I am trying to submit an application using AppWarp for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android and Apple is rejecting the application because it does not support IPv6 networking per their requirements. Can you please update the AppWarp Xamarin SDKs to support this?

Also, can you please ensure that the App42 Xamarin SDK also supports IPv6 as I am using that as well.

asked Dec 4, 2016 in Xamarin by feraask (45 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Feraask,

Apologies for late reply.

As of now, the current AppWarp/App42 Xamarin SDK is not tested for IPv6 support. Is it possible that i will sharethe SDK source with you and you can build it at your end? If yes, please send an email to support@shephertz.com so that we can share the source code in the same thread.



answered Dec 6, 2016 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
No need to apologize I appreciate you getting back to me.

I would rather not have to make the changes myself as it would take a lot more time for me to get familiar with the the inner workings of the SDK and make the changes.

Can you guys simply update the SDK and fix this? I think it makes more sense since you guys created it you would much more easily be able to fix it. Also, looking at the other threads about IPv6 issues with the SDK's it seems you guys were able to do the fixes on your end and simply released a new build for those people so I would really appreciate it if you could do the same for the Xamarin SDK's. This is a pretty critical issue as it prevents any apps using the Xamarin SDK from being released on Apple's App Store so it would be great to have this fixed as soon as possible.

Can you please provide me a status update on what is going on? This is a pretty critical issue that I think needs to be fixed as soon as possible.

Rajeev.etc can you please let me know what is going on? I need this issue to be fixed as soon as possible so I can release my application.

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