API for Python?

0 votes
Hello, I have a prebuilt Python client that I want to implement appwarps2 into. I understand that there is currently no Python sdk but would it be possible to use another SDK's dll in my project? In python your able to load and use c++ dlls so I was wondering if there was one out there that would work with my pyhon client. I would also not like to use any third party libraries as Ive already built the game in an engine.
asked Nov 7, 2016 in Discuss & suggest API by kyle.smithy2 (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Kyle,

Apologies for late reply.

We do provide SDK source for C++ which is built to work with Cocos2dx. We have not tested the same for python. 

You can go ahead and download our C++ SDK and give it a try. The SDK uses cURL for creating socket level connectivity between client and server.

Please let me know if you have any further queries.



answered Nov 10, 2016 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
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