how to get chats which were sent by other users while the first user paused??

0 votes
hey all, i have massively stucked on a thing... i have used connection resilience where if first user losses connection it gets paused. At such a point if anouther user sends any chat, the first user doesnt get it upon resuming the connection. so, what should i do at such situation. i need those chats. kindly help me please, so that my project can move forward... :)
asked Sep 1, 2016 in Unity by abhishek.gametion (33 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi Abhishek,

You can save chat messages in the Storage Service of App42 Cloud APIs while sending from the client side. You can maintain the chat_id and save the last received chat_id locally in the player prefs. Once you recovers the session then you can fetch the stored chat messages from the Storage of App42 Cloud and match the chat iDs saved locally to find if there are chat messages available with higher chat_ids for this room. This way you can get the missed chat messages.

Let me know if you have any further queries.



answered Sep 1, 2016 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
selected Sep 1, 2016 by abhishek.gametion
thanks a lot rajeev...
surely will get to you for any further queries !!
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