IOS push is not updating from background

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As the title described, for IOS to update push notification from background require user to include "content-available": 1 in the payload, but send push from App42 HQ console is unable to achieve that even using the key and value function since the value is sent in form of string. is there any settings of ways to achieve this?
asked Aug 10, 2016 in iOS by eskytech15 (20 points)
Tested, is possible to send content-available key, but when image is included, the content-available will be enclose in _app42RichPush, which make the ios unable to detect the key... any solution for this?
How are you sending the push message? Could you please provide the exact steps which you are performing to send push? It will help us to understand it in better way.
I'm trying to send a push notification via channel push, but my push notification will be including link of an image and another key to keep track of the date sent. I tried to include the key 'content-available' = 1 so that the app can update my data from background. the app can run background process just fine when the image is not included, but when it does, the app cannot detect the key 'content-available', when i check back from the result, it shows that the key is enclosed within the app42RichPush object instead of aps object.

1 Answer

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I believe, you using advaned section for sending push from AppHQ. Please use Simple section as message type in the send/schedule push pannel and try to send JSON instead a normal string. You can send as many key-value pair you want in that JSON. The format of the JSON can be as follows:

{"alert”:”Your Message","content-available":"1","customKey":"customValue","badge":"increment","sound":"Default”}

You can achieve your requirement with above JSON. Let me know if you have any further queries.



answered Aug 11, 2016 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
selected Aug 15, 2016 by eskytech15
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