How to keep user logged in? IoS Swift

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Hi, I'm using App42 and Swift for my app. I'm trying to log the users in and keep them logged in, so they don't have to sign in everytime they open the app. I have searched through the forum on this topic and I seem to get the general approach to it: - Authenticate user which will produce a sessionId - Store sessionID - Validate (getSessionID) session ID to keep the users signed in My question is how do you store the sessionID. Is it through the App42 Storage Service method? Hopefully, my question is not to silly as I'm quite new to writing code. Your help is much appreciated.
asked Feb 4, 2016 in iOS by khanhtnguyen85 (15 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Khanh,

You can store the sessionID either on your app local storage or App42 Storage service, it depends on you.

If you store it locally then you dont have to store the login details of each and every user to App42 Storage service and fetch every time when the app opens.

But if the security is a concern for your app then it is preferable to store the sessionID on the cloud(App42 Storage service).

I hope it will help.

answered Feb 4, 2016 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
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