Get Opponent?

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Hi Rajeev I know I am asking so many questions but you are the master and we ninja turtles need a master here:) You know my game is between 2 players. In order to send private update I need to get opponent when game start. I guess no way apart from using getLiveRoomInfo? Moreover, in some of your examples it is said use room properties to synchronize your game. I could not understand how I can use it? For instance player scores? What you would do to synchronize your player scores? Do you use roomproperties? If so how? OR what is the use case for roomproperties maybe I can use it too because I did not make any plan to use it. Thanks
asked Jan 7, 2016 in AppWarp by gokhan (20 points)

1 Answer

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Hello Gokhan,

Yes, you are right. To get the list of users available in the room you need to call getLiveRoomInfo.

Room properties can be used for match-making. For example, if game has three difficulty levels say easy, medium and hard. You can create rooms with property having one of the above values. If a user is eligible to play easy difficulty level then you can join him in a room with property "easy". Similarly, the properties can be used for geo-based rooms to join a user based on thier location matching with room properties.

To know more about properties please visit this doc.


answered Jan 7, 2016 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
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