Push not sent from App42 Cloud..........

0 votes

As we discussed before all my issue's removed successfully,now my device is registered successfully on App42 Cloud.

But when i am sending push notification from the App42 Cloud, the notification sent successfully from portal.But it is not coming on my registered device.

My App notifications are allowed in my iPhone and iPad.

Please help me ASAP.



asked Dec 3, 2015 in App42 Community Support by jittender (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Jittender,

Can you check and share the push logs in AppHq Console?

Steps to check push logs:

1.Login to AppHQ

2.Click Unified Notifications

3.Click Push

4.Click Logs

If there is no logs available then please enable the Push Log from your app settings and send the push again  then check the push logs as above.

answered Dec 3, 2015 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
Hi Rajeev
Yes there is no logs in App42 Cloud,but in my iPad I allowed my Notifications.
i didn't get you "please enable the Push Log from your app settings",what it means? it mean the same i allowed notifications or something else?
Please tell me
You need to enable Push Logs in AppHQ Management console itself.
Steps to check push logs:
1.Login to AppHQ
2.Go to AppManager
3.Go to Settings
4. Select your app from the drop down if not selected
5. Enable the Push Log State

Let me know if you face any problem.
Thank you very much Rajeev
Thanks a lot
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