Hi we have an AppWarpS2 game server live.
We are developing a Unity app to receive move messages from the server for quiz game.
Our current situation is:
Server waits for client connections
Receives 2 add user requests
Creates a room for 2 users
Joins users to the room
Add users to subscribe to room
and receives start game packet from both users
Then broadcasts quiz to both users
Our problem is that everything works fine on the native Windows Phone but on Unity we are not receiving the onUpdatePeersReceived message?
Here is handleUpdatePeersRequest on server
public void handleUpdatePeersRequest(IUser sender, byte[] update, HandlingResult result)
System.out.println("In handleUpdatePeersRequest" + " sender = " + sender.getName());
result.sendNotification = false;
int size;
byte[] fbInvitation;
String fbObject;
JSONObject invObject;
IoBuffer buf = IoBuffer.allocate(update.length, false);
buf.put(update, 0, update.length);
byte bt = buf.get();
switch (bt)
case QuizRequestCode.STARTQUIZ:
System.out.println("Received Start Quiz Packet" + StartQuizFlag + "RoomId " + this.gameRoom.getId()
+ " sender = " + sender.getName());
case QuizRequestCode.ANSWERPACKET:
System.out.println("Answer Received " + bt);
for (int i = 0; i < UserStatusList.size(); i++)
if (UserStatusList.get(i).getUser().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(sender.getName()))
// ID of the last question asked on client
int queID = buf.getInt();
// int representing the answer response to previously asked question
int ans = buf.getInt();
// If this answer is for the game current question
if (UserStatusList.get(i).getAnswersPerLevel().size() == GameCurrentLevel)
System.out.println("ANSWERPACKET if statement & getAnswersPerLevel().size() == GameCurrentLevel: " + GameCurrentLevel);
// Then add new QuizAnswer element to their answered questions array for this game
UserStatusList.get(i).getAnswersPerLevel().add(new ArrayList<QuizAnswer>());
// Get the total number of questions now answered in this game
int currentSize = UserStatusList.get(i).getAnswersPerLevel().get(GameCurrentLevel).size();
QuizAnswer userAnswer = new QuizAnswer(queID, ans);
if (currentSize == 0)
System.out.println("ANSWERPACKET if statement & currentSize == 0");
updateAndBroadCastScore(i, queID - 1, ans);
else if (UserStatusList.get(i).getAnswersPerLevel().get(GameCurrentLevel).get(currentSize - 1).QuestionId != queID)
System.out.println("ANSWERPACKET else if getAnswersPerLevel().get(GameCurrentLevel).get(currentSize - 1).QuestionId != queID - queID = " + queID);
updateAndBroadCastScore(i, queID - 1, ans);
catch (Exception e)
Here is sendQuestion on server:
private void SendQuestion()
System.out.println("In SendQuestion()");
QuizTimerCount = 0;
byte[] questionPacket = getNextQuestionPacket();
for (int i = 0; i < UserStatusList.size(); i++)
UserStatus user = UserStatusList.get(i);
System.out.println("Sending Question to User "+user.getUser().getName().toString());
user.getUser().SendUpdatePeersNotification(questionPacket, true);
Here is onUpdatePeersRequest in Unity (this is not being called on Unity but is called on native Windows Phone client)
public class NotificationListener : com.shephertz.app42.gaming.multiplayer.client.listener.NotifyListener
public void onUpdatePeersReceived(UpdateEvent eventObj)
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("In onUpdatePeersReceived");
// This is the incoming move - parse it in MoveMessage
We define our global context in Unity:
public static RoomReqListener roomReqListenerObj;
public static NotificationListener notificationListenerObj;
public static ZoneRequestListener zoneRequestListenerobj;
public static ConnectionListener conListenObj;
The connection and listeners are initialised in Unity:
public static class AppWarpS2Connection
// Connect to server
public static void InitialiseConnection()
Debug.Log("In AppWarpS2Connection InitialiseConnection");
WarpClient.initialize(GlobalContext.API_KEY, GlobalContext.HOST_NAME);
// Allow for some connection resiliency = 60 seconds
WarpClient.setRecoveryAllowance(60); //<-----------------------------------------------------------
GlobalContext.warpClient = WarpClient.GetInstance();
// Setup our listeners
public static void InitialiseListeners()
Debug.Log("In AppWarpS2Connection InitialiseListeners");
GlobalContext.conListenObj = new ConnectionListener();
if (GlobalContext.roomReqListenerObj == null)
Debug.Log("In AppWarpS2Connection Initialise RoomRequestListener");
GlobalContext.roomReqListenerObj = new RoomReqListener();
if (GlobalContext.notificationListenerObj == null)
Debug.Log("In AppWarpS2Connection Initialise NotificationListener");
GlobalContext.notificationListenerObj = new NotificationListener();
if (GlobalContext.zoneRequestListenerobj == null)
Debug.Log("In AppWarpS2Connection Initialise ZoneRequestListener");
GlobalContext.zoneRequestListenerobj = new ZoneRequestListener();
I'm confused and can't see why onUpdatePeersReceived in Unity is not being called? Please help.
Using Unity 5.1.1f1 personal
Using AppWarpS2Unity.dll
Many thanks