How player can re enter in room after removed from one room?

0 votes
I am using Appwarp S2 server.

Two player play game in a same room, one player left room, then left room player again want to play, but next time that player are not able to enter in room.

So, what shloud I do that left room player create or join room so that he can play again.
asked Oct 9, 2015 in AppWarp by nikesh (10 points)
edited Oct 9, 2015 by nikesh
Hi Nikesh,

Can you please provide some more detail about the problem you are facing like error code, api name which is failing etc ? It will help to debug the problem.

Sir actually what is the scenario, if player play game i.e he is in room unfortunatly any interrupt  came or player leave room, he is not able to create or join any room.

I want to re-play  game to that player again, either he create another room or join any free room.

I am new in shephhertz, please help me to resolve this issue.

Did you call leaveRoom API to leave the room? Can you share error code which you are getting while joining the room?
i called leaveRoom API but still not able to join room.
in onConnectDone listener showing Error code 4.

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Nikesh,

I guess after leaving the room, you are calling connect API, if so then you will get error code 4 as you are still connected to the server and trying to reconnect.

In this case, to join the room again call joinRoom API.

If this is not the case, please provide the steps which you are doing along with code snippets. It will help to debug the problem.


answered Oct 9, 2015 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
I don't want to join the same room. I will join any of the room which are currently created or should create new room .
Can you please share the steps along with code snippets so that i can replicate the issue at my end? If possible, you can also share your sample project on, it will really help to solve the problem you are facing.
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