Leaderboard Service is unresponsive

0 votes
I have a game with yearly leaderboard but now is so slow and unresponsive. It has around 14 000 records. Every user has unique score and I just change that score. To get a user rank it takes more than 45 seconds. Sometimes it just fails with internal server error message. Also it fails to update users score. I notice in the morning where there is no much traffic every think works fine. Is there any way to optimize servers or incise the power.
asked Sep 10, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by simeunovicn13 (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi simeunovicn13,

Please share your app name and your methods with us @ support@shephertz.com. We will get back to you in 1-2 days as we look into it and find a solution. 

Happy to help you.



answered Sep 11, 2015 by NishantAShephertz (30 points)
Hi simeunovicn13,

Do not worry. We are taking a look at your problem. We will get back to you in 1-7 days or as soon as we find a solution.

Happy to help you.


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