sorry if this is duplicate question as I have tried search it here, but I can't find it
so here is my question...
I am making a game using appwarp s2 API using AS3.
I am trying to create turn based room
this is my code for creating room by client side
var RoomProperties:Object;
RoomProperties.Mode = "Normal";
client.createTurnRoom("Normal by " + DisplayName, DisplayName, 4, RoomProperties, 10);
so how to get the RoomProperties in server side? As in IRoom.getProperties is returning Map, and I am new to Java here. This is what I want to do with room properties
public void handleCreateRoomRequest(IUser user, IRoom room, HandlingResult result)
if(room.getProperties.Mode == "Normal")
room.setAdaptor(new RoomNormal(izone, (ITurnBasedRoom)room));
else if(room.getProperties.Mode == "Hard")
room.setAdaptor(new RoomHard(izone, (ITurnBasedRoom)room));