Cocos2d-x SDK

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I'm using Appwarp cocos2d-x v2 1.61 version for current development,

but I'm considering to use AppwarpS2.

I compared the two SDK of cocos2d-x and there's slightly differenece.

Just wanna figure out if AppwarpS2 cocos2d-x client SDK is based on the newest Appwarp cocos2d-x SDK?

So I might switch more smoothly.


Thanks a lot!
asked Jun 10, 2015 in AppWarpS2 by joappdev (20 points)

1 Answer

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Basic core of both AppWarp and AppWarpS2 is same and we have made few changes (probably which you have identified) in SDK of AppWarpS2 to support the functionality to write custom business logic at server.

So, switching/migrating from Appwarp to AppwarpS2 will be a smooth transition all you should keep in mind is that there is a diffrence in SDK Initialization i.e.

In AppWarp we have following method which accepts API_KEY and SECRET_KEY

WarpClient.initialize("API_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");

while in AppWarpS2 method accepts APP_ID and SERVER_URL

WarpClient.initialize("APP_ID", "SERVER_URL"); 



And if there is any further issue you can feel free to write back to us!



Best Regards,

Anshul Jain

answered Jun 10, 2015 by anshul.jain (30 points)
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