Given URL is not permitted while logging in with FB

0 votes

Hi we are testing the QuizMania sample demo and getting the error: Given URL is not permitted by the application configuration: One or more of the given URL's is not permitted by the Apps settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.


Having searched the forum for this we have added: to our FB app/settings/advanced Valid OAuth redirect URIs field but we are still getting this error?

Is there anything else that could be causing this error.

The game plays well while connecting with random player!


Many thanks

asked May 20, 2015 in AppWarpS2 by wiredvoltage (84 points)
edited May 20, 2015 by wiredvoltage

1 Answer

0 votes

The sample you are reffering to was made for Windows Phone. Canvas URL or WebPage URL is required if you are developing a web game/app. In that case you need to provide your game's web URL in Canvas/WebPage URL in FB settings.

answered May 20, 2015 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
Can you share all steps that you are following to modify the sample?
Hi Suyash the following are  the changes to the sample plays well while connecting with random player!

Global Context
        public static String localUsername = "TestUser";
        public static String opponentName="No Opponent";
        public static bool AmIOwner = false;
        //create your game at apphq and find the api key and secret key
       // public static String API_KEY = "3dfef44f-d2f2-4d2e-9"; this was commented
       // public static String API_KEY = "b7eb415b-85e2-4ef2-a"; this one was uncommented
        public static string API_KEY = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
        //public static String HOST_NAME = "";
        //public static String HOST_NAME = "";
        public static String HOST_NAME = ""; // IPv4 Address
        public static String GameRoomId = "647227785";
        public static List<string> joinedUsers=new List<string>();
        public static Dictionary<string, object> tableProperties = null;
        public static WarpClient warpClient;
        public static bool IsConnectedToAppWarp = false;
        public static int MaxUsersInRoom = 2;
        public static ConnectionListener conListenObj;
        //public static String FacebookAppId = "555239294541353";
        public static String FacebookAppId = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
        public static String FacebookAccessToken="";
        public static String UserFacebookId = "";
        public static String RemoteFacebookId = "";
        public static String RemoteFacebookName = "";
        public static RoomReqListener roomReqListenerObj;
        public static NotificationListener notificationListenerObj;
        public static ZoneRequestListener zoneRequestListenerobj;

Server Demo AppConfigg.json file:
    "TickTime" : 200,
    "ListenPort" : 12346,
    "MasterHost" :,
    "LogLevel" : "WARN",
    "FlashPolicyPort" : 8430,
    "AdminUsername" : "admin",
    "AdminPassword" : "password",
    "HSQLDBFile" : "HSQLDBFile"
Hi Suyash, FB dashboard & settings screen shots can be viewed here:
As a first step I sucessfully installed and setup the chat server app from the tutorial here:

All worked O.K.

I then downloaded the QuizUp like trivia game from the samples page and have been having trouble getting it started.

1) I ran the server as in the previous chat server sample using the server files provided with the quiz game sample using windows_start.bat. (just like the previous sample)
2) Created a java project and imported the file system for the java server folder provided with the trivia game sample and added the .jar file to the build path and ran the program.

3) Logged in to the AppWarp Dashboard and created a zone and room (just like the previous sample) also added room properties IsPrivateRoom = false.
(server command window & Eclipse console now displays the zone and room just created)

4) I ran the trivia game sample in VS2013 having changed the global context variables API_KEY = "app key given when created zone in step 3 above", HOST_NAME = ""  and GameRoomId = "id given when I created room in step 3 above"

I am always getting error while trying to connect to FB friend in the game!
This conversion is now continued in a new thread created by the user itself
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