Suggestion to application settings

0 votes

Hi, I am a newbie.

I am developing a mobile app to android and IOS.

1. My application will be installed in user mobiles of  30 medical clinics.
2. Each clinic has a number of application users ranging from 1-50 users.
3. Each clinical works independent of the other.
4. I intend to send push notifications using app42 as provider for users of my application, but I have to choose which clinic will receive messages and also with the possibility of selecting a user on particicular.
My poblem is in App42 configuration:
- I saw that app42 does not allow two or more users with the same username or email it to register. How do I solve this problem if each clinical want to use a User name that already exists? Is there another alternative?
- How can group the users by clinic, so that I know who are the users of each clinic and can send messages to a particular user or all of that clinic? 
I thought about using collections, but someone could give me an example?
As the User using my app can register in the collections?
Thanks in advance,


asked May 4, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by cprmlao (10 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

- I saw that app42 does not allow two or more users with the same username or email it to register. How do I solve this problem if each clinical want to use a User name that already exists? Is there another alternative?

- you should have a unique identifier by user in your database, use it as to register as username for push notifications

- How can group the users by clinic, so that I know who are the users of each clinic and can send messages to a particular user or all of that clinic? 
I thought about using collections, but someone could give me an example?
As the User using my app can register in the collections?
- App42 allows you to group your users in "channels". You could subcript a user to a chanel and send a push notification to all users of a channel.
Hope it helps you
answered May 4, 2015 by davidrelgr (60 points)
Thank you,


>>you should have a unique identifier by user in your database, use it as to >>register as username for push notifications
There is many clinical medics, about 30. How could I control the username entered during the setup of my app in the device? It would be hard to me to say the cliinic A manager that can't user a username because the clinic B already has a user with the same name.   

Which is your primary key in User table of your database? that primary key should be the value you register your user (unique in all clinical medics)
Each clinic has a independent database of users of the app. The primary key of the users table of clinic A can be the same of Cliinic B. I have no way of control which primary key will be used in each clinic. The primnary key is unique, but only into each clinic.
The only way I see is to register your user something like (clinic_id/userid) to identify that user in the Clinic.
OK, thank you very much. You aleady help me too much.  I have another question, but i am going to open  a  new topic because is other case.
Ok! accept the answer as valid to help other people!
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