error in initoalize appwarp and app42api corona both in one game

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Hello, Question2: How can I get opponent player score ,name and photo if available.? Thanks.
asked Mar 3, 2015 in AppWarp by panarasavan (11 points)

1 Answer

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AppWarp is a real time communication system. It can exchange any information you want in real time. But it does not store any data permanently like score, name and photo. You can use App42 for this. App42 has services like Leaderboard, User Managment, Storage, etc that can be used to store such data.


answered Mar 3, 2015 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)

How to find scoreId in saveUserScoreCallBack:onSuccess(object)  function?

function saveUserScoreCallBack:onSuccess(object)
  if object:getResponseSuccess() == true then
      -- newGameBtn.isVisible = true
      -- leaderBoardBtn.isVisible = true
      print("object:getScoreId()",object:getScoreId() )
      composer.gotoScene("Menu", "slideLeft", 400)
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