What will be max limit of users per room ?

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I am confussing about what will be max limit of users per room ?

My requirement was there will be max 100000 user in one room and i need to create 6 static room with max 100000 user per room

Is this possible with AppWarpS2 server?

If not so what will be the max limit of users per room ?


asked Feb 16, 2015 in AppWarpS2 by maulik.kaloliya (34 points)

1 Answer

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There is no limit on numbers of players per room. There can be any number of players. But what important is how are you going to manage all those players.

Suppose you have 1,00,000 players in a room. If each player send 100 bytes of data per second. Then each player will receive 100 bytes from 100,000 players per second i.e. around 10MB per second. This is enormous data for a client. The socket on client will not be able to handle such traffic.

answered Feb 16, 2015 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
Thanks for answer

In my case server broadcasting messages not user to other users.

Then it should not be an issue for client.
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