Some API calls are regularly giving me timeouts. I can create an account and authenticate the user, but when I try to query a leaderboard (GetTopNRankings() or GetTopRankings()) or get a user's top scores (GetHighestScoreByUser()) all I get is the subject error after 60 seconds. This happens in the Unity Windows editor, Unity Windows 7 standalone builds and Android builds builds:
"Exception: com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.App42Exception: 504 Gateway Timeout"
On Android I see the following in the adb -logcat output:
E/Unity (30109): UnityEngine.Debug:Internal_Log(Int32, String, Object)
E/Unity (30109): UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object)
E/Unity (30109): CloudGetTopRankingsCallback:OnException(Exception) (at D:\Source\WordPortal\Assets\Scripts\CloudService.cs:228)
E/Unity (30109): com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.connection.<execute>d__3:MoveNext()
E/Unity (30109): com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.connection.<WaitForRequest>d__0:MoveNext()
This would lead me to believe the scoreboard doesn't exist, but I've confirmed it does and have seen this API call work a few times.