Using UserService with additional information

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It says in the doc that I can use the userservice product to add a user in addition to "Addition Information" using JsonDoc. My questions are :

-How can I update the information using the userId?

-Can I query based on the JsonDoc information to get users with certain JsonDoc information?


Thank you

asked Dec 2, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by AndroidFolk (107 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Yes you can update the JSON doc related to your app user. You have to first fetch the additional information for that user from your collection. See here for details.
After fetching these docs, you can update this using update method by passing either Id or key value. See here for updating the document.
answered Dec 2, 2014 by naresh (350 points)
selected Dec 3, 2014 by AndroidFolk
@naresh, Something is confusing why is userService used to store and fetch additional data but storageService is used to update ( and I would assume you can also store and fetch the additional data). It is like 2 services accessing the same layer. I can stick to storage service correct?
Hi AndroidFolk,

Yes, this is confusing.We will provide a method for update additional data of userService at the end of this month.
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