Does Shephertz have a privacy policy template?
The reason I ask is because in my game I ask players to create an account with their email address. That email address is stored on App42 servers. So if I state in my privacy policy that I never give out the player's personal info (email address) it would not be completely correct because I don't store that info. Shephertz does. How would I state, and more importantly, do I have the right to state that the info is stored on Shphertz's servers and Shephertz never gives out that personal info?
It'd be great if you could supply a template that we could use with a blank area where we fil in our company's name. e.g.
"All personal info is stored on the servers of Shephertz Co. Ltd. Located in ...., India. Neither ______ Games nor Shephertz shares, gives out, nor uses your personal info for any purpose other than to allow you to recover your account....."