New Potential User looking for basics

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Hi im coming from unity3d using photon and playfab curious as to how handle player movement? photon uses OnPhotonSerializeView and photonViews along with common movement code using character controller/rigibody movement


how is this done with appwarp? will it be an easy process to convert my game to appwarp with all that completed? thanks for your time
asked Oct 22, 2014 in AppWarp by bkstudios13 (10 points)

1 Answer

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AppWarp and Photon are two different solutions and both have there own style of usage. In AppWarp you communicate using sendChat() and sendUpdatePeers() methods. These methods are used to send data in string format and binary format. AppWarp uses observer design pattern. Therefore you will need to create listener classes to listen to the notifications and responses of your requests. Take a look here
You should have a look at our samples and documentation to better understand how AppWarp works. 
answered Oct 24, 2014 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
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