Avoiding fake IAP

0 votes
How can i avoid fake(local) in-app purchase in jailbroken device with App42 Cloud.

Any ideas?


Thank you!
asked Oct 20, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by tsgansoronzon (10 points)
recategorized Feb 13, 2015 by sushil

1 Answer

0 votes

There is only way to validate in-app purchase is to validate the token on server side. Once you are done with in-app purchase, send that token on your server and validate it from provider like google/apple using REST call.

You can write custom code using Java. Here is the link to get started http://api.shephertz.com/tutorial/Server-Side-Custom-Code/?index=customcode-wrd with the same.

Let me know if it helps.



answered Oct 21, 2014 by ajay123 (899 points)
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