Which service and function inorder to manage list of inviting requests between users?

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My purpose is to build an app that users can create a room, then invite other players to join that room.

The invitation will be moved to receiver's notification list then he can open to accept or reject that invivation right away or later.

Can you suggest for me: Which service and function inorder to manage list of inviting requests between users?
asked Sep 19, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by Mai Khánh (12 points)

1 Answer

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To achieve this, you can create a room and assign some properties to that room. These properties will represent the user who invited and the user who got invited. Then send request using any social service sdks like facebook, g+,  etc. When the user accepts the request and opens the game, he can check for room that have properties representing him and his friend.  You can use joinRoomWIthProperties to do matchmaking based on properties.
I recommend you to read this blog. It will help you to better understand who to achieve such functionality http://blogs.shephertz.com/2013/11/13/process-of-matchmaking-with-known-user-and-random-user-on-appwarp/
answered Sep 20, 2014 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
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