Explanation of and examples for customCodeService.RunJavaCode seem to be wrong.

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The API and examples for  customCodeService.RunJavaCode shows that it needs three arguments:
RunJavaCode(name, jsonBody, new UnityCallBack());
But when I try to use it I get an error: 
error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.customcode.CustomCodeService.RunJavaCode(string, SimpleJSON.JSONClass, com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.App42CallBack)' has some invalid arguments
But the autocomplete in MonoDevelop shows that it takes two arguments only: 
customCodeService.RunJavaCode(name, jsonBody);
This gives no errors but then I can't specify a callback.


closed with the note: Closing this thread as there was no update from last 2 Weeks or more. Please raise a new query if problem persists.
asked Jul 27, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by huffman (17 points)
closed Sep 22, 2014 by sushil
Your code looks fine. You should be able to see it in AppHQ console under Technical Service > Log Service tab.

Please check and confirm.


That's the problem. I can't see it there. the string is not output.
Just looked at your log and can see your app module name there. It may be a problem in AppHQ UI seems. Can you send me the screen shot for the same?
I can't see it. Seems like there is a problem with the info logging. It should be pull the module name from the variable and display it after "Running Custom Code: " which is a string literal.

Module name does not get printed with the message. There is a separate column for module name (First column in the table) which contains this value.

Let me know if it helps. Also, requesting you to please close this question if this query gets resolved.


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