unity wp8 err cs1061: Type

0 votes
Assets/script/appMono/AppCloud42/AppCloud42SERVICEmanager.cs(467,63): error CS1061: Type `com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.upload.UploadService' does not contain a definition for `UploadFile' and no extension method `UploadFile' of type `com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.upload.UploadService' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

That err is derived from unity 4.5.0F6 after it converted the project from unity 3.5.7F6. The platform is set to WP8 and the app42 dll has changed to App42_Unity3D_SDK_WP8_2.7.dll .

is is due due bug in unity 4.x in windows ?

The said project is still a work-in-progress in unity3.5.7F6 running in Mac and is going fine as last test of uploading a text file ok.

BTW how can i attach a snapshot or file to you as i did ask sometime ago this communicaton tool does not have a feature to do that.

Shall i set you in my FTP service a dropBox for you to get/put files ? If okay i can setup my FTP to facilitate our communications.

asked May 31, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by mrdaniel (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello MrDaniel,

Currently we are not supporting Upload File method for WP8, So you only can get the files in WP8.  But we will update it in Next Release.


answered May 31, 2014 by Akshay.Mishra (179 points)
when shall be the next release ?
i shall be testing upload in unity-BB10 will upload be workable or got to wait for next release ?

It'll work on BB10, the required feature is not available only in WP8. And next release will be on 5th-June.
the DLL is replaced with ver 2.7.2 but still get that uploadFile is not available:
Assets/script/appMono/AppCloud42/AppCloud42SERVICEmanager.cs(467,63): error CS1061: Type `com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.upload.UploadService' does not contain a definition for `UploadFile' and no extension method `UploadFile' of type `com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.upload.UploadService' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
whats the problem ?
do you need a screen shot ?

Your error still exists because the release is postponed.
Due to some circumstances about adding new features, the current release is postponed to15th-june. sorry for delay.
i tried 2.9 dll and yet got the same error :
Assets/script/appModule/AppCloud42/AppCloud42SERVICEmanager.cs(467,63): error CS1061: Type `com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.upload.UploadService'
does not contain a definition for `UploadFile' and no extension method `UploadFile' of type `com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.upload.UploadService'
could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

i thought i can submit my contest to win phone before 2014july19th.

please advise solution.
Hello MrDaniel, The Multipart methods are appended to the latest Unity3D WP8 SDK (2.9.1), you can download it from the link beneath.
Please let me know about your progress!

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