How to Implement Chatting like whatsapp

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Dear Support team,


 We want more help from your side .How to use this API and could you please explain us and send sample example sites.


and one more thing we meed to implement chatting like whatsapp  his/him   chatting with multiple users with different window . we need your help



asked May 9, 2014 in AppWarp by babu.rao (10 points)

1 Answer

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WhatsApp like applications require the following

1) User management

2) A mechanism to send receive messages to another user

You can save all the messages that are being sent as JSON on App42 NoSQL service. Then you can query for documents that have you as the receiver.

You should also send push notification for cases where the receiver is not connected to the App. For this you should use Push Notification services.

3) Ability to send media (photos n videos)

For this, messaging should remain the same as Text, however instead of the message you should send a link to the file. You can upload the file on to App42 file storage service.


answered May 9, 2014 by dhruvc (1,099 points)
Thank you for replay

      here login details will be (username = mobile number, password=password) i need to maintain all user messages in our local database . and you just sended user management links but  we need how to create application like whatsapp chating same we need to share images and vedios also. and hw to create user management
Ok, ya you can use the number as the username and password as it is.

For videos as I mentioned, you will need to upload the file from the client app to our App42 cloud using the upload service. Then when you get the link, you need to send that link to the other users similar to how you would send a text message i.e. point #2 described above.
 I also want to develop a chat app like whats app.. but my problem is how do i get my contacts sync with database... and also if any of my contact is already in ur database how do i get response for that user.
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